Using AI to improve the reporting of National student survey (NSS) responses 

Authors: Kate Whiston (Market Insight), Tim Packwood (IT Customer Engagement)  The External Relations Market Insight Team have been working in collaboration with the IT Innovation Team to develop new ways of analysing and understanding the large volumes of free text feedback that is generated by the National Student Survey (NSS).   Every year, final-year undergraduates are … Read more

Supporting university growth: Making the case for a university virtual assistance.

As student numbers continue to grow, the challenge of maintaining or even enhancing the student experience becomes more emphasised. With professional services and support staff unlikely to see significant growth in headcount, the question is, how do we continuously improve student experience and ultimately deliver more with less? Technology might be part of the answer. … Read more

Assessment, AI and prompt engineering – Augmenting the marking of reflective essays

In the world of higher education, marking essays is a fundamental yet time-consuming and often subjective process. But what if we could use generative artificial intelligence (GAI) to assist with this task? That’s what the IT Innovation Team have been exploring by making use of Azure OpenAI services – our private walled-garden instance of GPT. … Read more

Supporting University survey analysis – using AI to amplify student voice

The challenge The University receives a large influx of free text comments in the form of feedback from students throughout the year, including data from surveys like the National Student Survey (NSS) and module evaluations. With this constant stream of free text comments, many departments struggle to efficiently analyse all the data and respond in … Read more